Jens Drolshammer
Prof. Dr. iur., MCL, Rechtsanwalt

2014 – date Jens Drolshammer is Faculty Associate, Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University
2011 – date Jens Drolshammer is Co-Founder and Co-Editor in chief, Anthology of Swiss Legal Culture
1999, 2003 – 2008 Visiting Research Professor and Senior Fellow at the European Center for Law Research, Harvard Law School, and the Center for Business and Government at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Management, University of St. Gallen, at the World Trade Institute, University of Berne and at the Chair for Security Studies, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich
1999 Visiting Scholar and Senior Fellow at European Center for Law Research, Harvard Law School
1972 – 1974 Doctoral thesis, University of Zurich (summa cum laude)
1970 – 1972 Graduate Fellow University of Michigan Law School (MCL), and Visiting Scholar Harvard Law School
1969 – 1970 Année d’Etudes Supérieures, University of Geneva Graduate Courses at the Graduate Institute for International Affairs (HEI), University of Geneva and at the Academy of International Law, The Hague
1964 – 1968 Law studies, University of Zurich, Licenziat (magna cum laude)
1961 – 1962 Harding High School, Oklahoma City (American Field Service)
1957 – 1964 Grammar school (Gymnasium), Solothurn