Podcast 2023 – a part of the book by Jens Drolshammer “LEGAL IMAGINATION DELIVERED- 50 YEARS TRAVELLING AND WORKING IN THE MACHINE SPACES OF ADVOCACY AND ACADEMIA-MINIMA ET MEMORABILIA”, published by Staempfli Verlag in June 2023.

Recorded on 24 March 2023 in Zurich
Professor Urs Gasser, formerly of Harvard Law School and now Founding Dean of the School for Social Sciences and Technology at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), talks to the author as a friend and colleague about the content, structure and style of the book. The conversation is in three parts, namely:
Please note that the interview is available in German only

Part 1
Approaches to an atypical book project and the author with his professional roles.

Part 2
Selected guiding themes of the book, in particular theory and practice; strategy in law; creativity and law

Part 3
Cross-cutting themes, especially the role of the legal actor, and outlook and advice for future lawyers.