Jens Drolshammer
Prof. Dr. iur., MCL, Rechtsanwalt

1975 – 2002: Homburger Rechtsanwälte, Zürich
1980 – 2002: Partner, founding member
1975 – 1980: Member of staff
Prof. Jens Drolshammer’s major contributions to the Drolshammer Strategy & Law’s development of the structure, strategy and client base of this law firm, one of the leading commercial law firms in Switzerland: “Leading Lawyer” in antitrust, in Swiss-EU relationship and in corporate governance.
1981 – 2009: University of St. Gallen
Teaching at University of St. Gallen, mainly in the fields of American legal culture, comparative law and the planning and structuring of commercial transactions; various interdisciplinary Ph.D. seminars for complex transactions. Currently teaching on the Master’s program in Law and Economics.
From April 1995 until December 2009 titular professor at the University of St. Gallen in Anglo-American law and the planning and structuring of legal transactions. Summer term 2007: additional teaching appointment at the University of Zurich (until Summer 2010).
President of the Commission (up until January 2003), Founding member and teacher on the postgraduate studies program “Executive Master of European and International Business Law, M.B.L.-HSG” and teacher on the Master of International Management Ph.D. program.
Member of the management committee of the Institute for European and International Commercial Law at the University of St. Gallen, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Management at the University of St. Gallen.
1972 – 1974:
Alongside the writing of the doctoral thesis, various posts as Auditor at the Bezirksgericht (District Court) Zurich, as academic assistant to Prof. Dr. E. Homburger, and as a translator and member of the staff of Homburger Rechtsanwälte